Sunday Worship 9:30 am

Welcome to St. Mary’s in-the-Valley Episcopal Church

Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome here. We strive to be God’s beloved community where all are heard, seen and valued just as they are. We fall short and are human, and we live into that too. We welcome people of all ethnic backgrounds, political persuasions, abilities, faith backgrounds, and housing statuses. We welcome those working on sobriety, those in recovery and those not working on sobriety or in recovery. We believe that God created each of us beautifully and wonderfully and we hope to share that love with each person.

St. Mary’s is an LGBTQIA2S+ affirming church.


Connect with St. Mary’s in the valley

Everyone is welcome at St Mary’s in the Valley. Find out more from one of our members.

2023 Retreat

Camp Stevens Retreat - October 18 - 20
Learn More and Register