
We love our neighbors by providing for their needs in the form of shoes, socks, underwear, jackets, backpacks, school supplies and Christmas gifts for local children, hot meals for people experiencing homelessness, and other ways throughout the year. Contact Dawn Kezer: dmkezer@gmail.com.

Our Outreach Ministries mission is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take care of the sick, welcome strangers, visit the prisoners, care for the needy and to provide ministry and care for even the least of these. Here are some of the ways we reach out to the Ramona community with God’s love and care.

Shoes Sock and Underwear - This is our back to school program for grades K- 12 that we started 12 year ago. We work with local agencies to identify families and children in need. We provide shoes, a package of socks and a package of underwear to every child before the school year begins. This program is supported by St. Mary’s, the Ramona Food and Clothes Closet and our local Kiwanis Club.

Backpacks and School Supplies - This is also a back to school program for grades K-12. We provide a backpack filled with school supplies specific to the child's grade. In addition, cards of encouragement, and some fun snacks are included to start the year off. 

Winter Jackets - This is another K-12 program that takes place during the month of December before the cold weather sets in. The children get to shop for any jacket of their choice to keep them warm during the winter months. 

Open Door Meal - This is our quarterly meal that we provide to those in need of a hot meal. The meals are served every Monday by different churches in Ramona. Each church prepares and serves four meals per year. The meal takes place at the Grange Hall in town. We also provide To Go boxes to anyone who would like them. We also distribute Bonnie Bags at these meals to each guest. These bags are filled to the brim with all kinds of shelf stable food, snacks and drinks. The bags are a welcomed gift from one of our volunteers. 

Christmas Giving Tree - This event takes place in December. Families in need come into church to sign up for this program. We provide gifts for children ages 0-18 years old. Ornaments with the child's age, gender and gift request are hung on our Christmas tree in church. Members and friends select an ornament(s), shop for and wrap the gifts to be put under the tree. The gifts are then distributed to the families the Sunday before Christmas. 

St Mary's Laundry Love Day - This is a new program in 2024. We provide laundry services at our local laundromat for individuals and families in need of assistance, Quarters and laundry supplies will be provided. 

Serve Ramona - This is an eucumenical group of local churches in Ramona that meets monthly. They work on community outreach projects that have been identified as a need in Ramona. St. Mary's is a part of this group.

We welcome anyone who wants to help with these, and other outreach efforts. We believe this is how we live out our Christian faith — caring for others and loving others as Christ has first loved us. To get involved, contact Dawn Kezer: dmkezer@gmail.com.